STA-Regel: Titel einer Manifestation | RDA-Eigenschaft - Kürzen eines Titels (Q9814)

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STA-Regel: Titel einer Manifestation | RDA-Eigenschaft - Kürzen eines Titels
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    Kürzen Sie einen langen Titel nur ab, wenn er ohne Verlust wesentlicher Informationen abgekürzt werden kann.Verwenden Sie ein Auslassungszeichen (…), um dies zu kennzeichnen. Lassen Sie niemals eines der ersten fünf Wörter weg.
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    <em>Informationsquelle:</em> <br> A booke of cookerie and the order of meates to bee serued to the table, both for flesh and fish dayes, with many excellent wayes for the dressing of all vsuall sortes of meates, both bak't, boyld or rosted, of flesh, fish, fowle, or others, with their proper sawces, as also many rare inuentions in cookery for made dishes, with most notable preserue of sundry sorts of fruits, likewise for making many precious waters, with diuers approved medicines for grieuous diseases, with certaine points of husbandry how to order oxen, horses, sheepe, hogges, &c., with many other necessary points for husbandmen to know <br> <em>Erfassung: </em> <br>A booke of cookerie and the order of meates to bee serued to the table …
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