Druckplattennummer für Noten | RDA-Eigenschaft (P488): Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(‎Aussage entfernt: Definition | Doku: STA-Eigenschaft (P1): Ein Identifikator für eine Manifestation, der von einem Verlag einer Manifestation einer Noten-Expression zugewiesen wird, um die im Druckprozess verwendete Druckplatte anzugeben, und bei dem es sich nicht um die Musik-Bestellnummer handelt. Die Nummer erscheint normalerweise am Ende jeder Seite und manchmal auf der Titelseite. Die Nummer kann aus Initialen, Abkürzungen oder Wörtern bestehen, die den Verlag identifizieren; gefolgt von einer Zahl,…)
(‎Aussage entfernt: Definition | Doku: STA-Eigenschaft (P1): A nomen that is an identifier for manifestation other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to a manifestation of a notated music expression to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process. The number normally appears at the bottom of each page, and sometimes on the title page. The number may include initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher, or be followed by a number corresponding to the…)
Eigenschaft / Definition | Doku: STA-Eigenschaft
A nomen that is an identifier for manifestation other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to a manifestation of a notated music expression to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process. The number normally appears at the bottom of each page, and sometimes on the title page. The number may include initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher, or be followed by a number corresponding to the number of pages or plates or a number corresponding to an individual page or plate. (Version 4.0.1)
Eigenschaft / Definition | Doku: STA-Eigenschaft: A nomen that is an identifier for manifestation other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to a manifestation of a notated music expression to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process. The number normally appears at the bottom of each page, and sometimes on the title page. The number may include initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher, or be followed by a number corresponding to the number of pages or plates or a number corresponding to an individual page or plate. (Version 4.0.1) / Rang
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Version vom 3. Januar 2023, 14:00 Uhr

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Druckplattennummer für Noten | RDA-Eigenschaft
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  • confluence:206397794




0 Fundstellen
<strong>MARC 21 Bibliographic:&nbsp;</strong>028 2X $a
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<strong>Standard:&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd028.html" rel="nofollow">https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd028.html</a>
0 Fundstellen
<strong>OBV:&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://wiki.obvsg.at/Katalogisierungshandbuch/Kategorienuebersicht028FE" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.obvsg.at/Katalogisierungshandbuch/Kategorienuebersicht028FE</a>
0 Fundstellen
0 Fundstellen
<strong>ASEQ/MAB: </strong>551b
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<a href="https://www.bib-bvb.de/web/kkb-online/rda-felder-540-583" rel="nofollow">https://www.bib-bvb.de/web/kkb-online/rda-felder-540-583</a>
0 Fundstellen
<strong>Pica DNB:</strong>&nbsp;2300, 2305
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<a href="https://wiki.dnb.de/display/ILTIS/2300" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.dnb.de/display/ILTIS/2300</a><br><a href="https://wiki.dnb.de/display/ILTIS/2305" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.dnb.de/display/ILTIS/2305</a>
0 Fundstellen
<strong>Pica hebis:</strong> 2302
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<a href="https://www.hebis.de/pica-kategorie/2302" rel="nofollow">https://www.hebis.de/pica-kategorie/2302</a>
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<strong>Pica K10plus: </strong>2230
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<a href="https://format.k10plus.de/k10plushelp.pl?cmd=kat&amp;val=2230&amp;katalog=Standard" rel="nofollow">https://format.k10plus.de/k10plushelp.pl?cmd=kat&amp;val=2230&amp;katalog=Standard</a>
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<strong>Pica ZDB:&nbsp;</strong>Nicht zutreffend
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<a href="https://access.rdatoolkit.org/en-US_ala-092434e2-e754-3005-a599-51357de31c98" rel="nofollow">plate number for notated music</a>
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RDA 2.15.3 (Original Toolkit)
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<a class="ref" href="P525">Identifikator für eine Manifestation</a>
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